To provide NACAA members an opportunity to make an oral presentation at a recognized national professional improvement meeting.
To provide NACAA members an opportunity to share successful Cooperative Extension educational programs.
To provide to the NACAA membership professional improvement presentations that will enable them to be a more knowledgeable Cooperative Extension professional.
NACAA members in good standing must submit an on-line abstract of their proposed presentation to the following committees: Agronomy and Pest Management; Agricultural Economics and Community Development; Animal Science; 4-H & Youth Programming; Natural Resources/Aquaculture; Horticulture & Turfgrass;Sustainable Agriculture; Agricultural Issues; Early Career Development; Administrative Skills Development; or Teaching and Educational Technologies.
Author(s) agree that submitted article(s) have not been published or are not currently under consideration for publication in other journals.
The NACAA Vice President along with the Professional Improvement Council/Extension Development Council Chairs will determine the number of accepted presentations.
The committees will have full authority to accept or reject a proposed presentation upon evaluation of the title and submitted abstract. Rejection of a proposed presentation by the Committee will be final. Presentations will be made on Monday and Tuesday of the 2025 AM/PIC.
Peer reviewed papers will be selected for presentation and authors will receive a certificate and will have paper published in the NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Proceedings.
The application process for making a presentation at the 2025 AM/PIC will be handled on-line at Please follow the instructions on-line for submitting a presentation application. All submissions must be completed by March 15.
Presentation Sample Score Sheet
Points possible
Writing Format – Does the abstract follow
the sample format? 5
Grammar – Rate the level of
correct use of grammar? 10
Punctuation – How well is correct
punctuation used? 10
Abstract Statement of Issue – How well
does the abstract clearly describe
the issue that needs
to be addressed? 15
Methodology - How well does the
abstract demonstrate the
procedures to complete project? 10
Impact – Are results clearly stated?
Did results lead to action? 15
Extension Education – Describe
dissemination of information. How
well does the abstract demonstrate
how this information was used to
educate the clientele/public? 15
Topic Applicable to Other Regions –
Would this project be plausible for
use in other regions? 10
Interest Level – Does this abstract
show an issue that is of interest to
the clientele/public? 10
Total 100