Expense Guidelines

Guidelines for Completing NACAA Expense Vouchers

  • 1. For any official expenses incurred by members of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairs,
    Council Chairs, or other persons authorized by the President or Board of Directors, expenses will be
    paid as follows:
    • Transportation by personal vehicle may be used and reimbursed up to 1,500 miles at a mileage
    rate of $0.67 per mile. This mileage rate is established by the Board of Directors (the Board of Directors follows the IRS Standard Mileage Rate).
    • Self-parking fee and toll charges are paid; vaket parking fees are NOT a covered expense (receipts are required).
    • Transportation by air will be fully reimbursed at the coach fare rate.
    Reservations should be made in a timely manner to take advantage of applicable discounts.
    • Taxi fares and reasonable gratuities will be reimbursed.
    • Travel other than by air or a private vehicle must have prior approval by the President.
    • Lodging is limited to one night prior to and one night following an event.
    • Actual costs of meals and gratuities will be paid, not to exceed $60.00 per day (receipts are not required).
    • Registration fees, if applicable, will be reimbursed, (receipts are required).
    2. Expenses for new officers, council chairs, committee chairs, and regional directors are paid
    beginning with breakfast following the close of the AMPIC, and the return home portion of
    transportation expenses.
    3. Expenses for retiring officers, council chairs, committee chairs, and regional directors will be paid
    for return home transportation, meals, and lodging.
    4. Expenses for educational foundation trustees are paid according to the policy handbook.
    5. Regional Directors may visit state associations as set forth in the Policy Handbook. These
    expenses will be paid according to the above-mentioned guidelines. Regional Directors are NOT
    reimbursed for attending their own state association meeting.
    6. Travel Insurance is NOT a covered expense, thus will not be paid.
    7. Postage, shipping, copying, and telephone expenses are reimbursed to officers, directors, vice
    directors, council chairs, committee chairs, and vice committee chairs. A statement of expenses and
    explanation with receipts is required. If possible, expenses chargeable to a specific program or
    sponsor should be noted.
    8. Secretarial allowance is NOT a covered expense, and thus will not be paid.
    9. Required receipts include: lodging, transportation, postage, copying, telephone, etc.  Attach receipts as a PDF file (combined files) and send along with the expense voucher in its original Excel format. 
    10. All expense vouchers are mailed to the President for approval.