The Power of Partnerships: How Collaboration Fuels Professional Growth in Agriculture
Early Career Development
Kendall Lovejoy
Ohio State
Early career Extension educators often struggle to navigate university systems while simultaneously building credibility with local clientele. Developing relationships is one of the most important tasks for a new hire, but the approach varies based on prior connections and knowledge of county-specific issues. This presentation will provide key strategies for building local relationships including partnering with county organizations, connecting with farm families, and leveraging strategic collaborations for long-term career success. One educator’s experience in launching a Quarterly Farm Meal series will serve as an example of how to integrate these approaches. This series, hosted by farm families in different areas of the county, engaged unique clientele based on location and topic selection. Beyond event execution, this effort strengthened relationships with local growers, industry partners, and the broader agricultural community – reinforcing the educator’s role as a trusted source. Relationship-building also happens in the small, everyday moments—visiting farms, attending community meetings, and responding to producer concerns in real time. For those just getting started, establishing a strong foundation of producer and industry relationships is pivotal to long-term growth. By walking through lessons learned in the first 24 months as an Extension educator, this presentation will highlight actionable strategies for networking, collaboration, and positioning oneself as a trusted resource—providing a roadmap for success in any local community.
Authors: Kendall D. Lovejoy
Kendall D. Lovejoy Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43567