Journal of NACAA

Online Horticulture Options Lead to Improved Programs and Increased FundingOpportunities and Additional Program Funding

ISSN 2158-9429

Volume 17, Issue 1 - June 2024

Editor: Linda Chalker-Scott


An alternative to the online Master Gardener training was developed to provide educational opportunities for participants not interested in volunteering. The Home Gardening Course was comprised of twelve modules, which excluded three modules specific to the Master Gardener training. Its’ goal was to provide educational opportunities and to increase statewide program funding. Participants viewed 32 hours of pre-recorded videos asynchronously to complete the training. The program has been successful, with 74 participants completing the training and rating all aspects positively. They increased overall knowledge in home horticulture, increased confidence in ability to garden at home, and would recommend this program.

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