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Economic Impacts of February 2024 Wildfires in Oklahoma

Agricultural Economics & Community Development

Amy Hagerman
Asc Prof - Ag and Food Policy


In late February 2024, wildfires swept Oklahoma, consuming over 170,000 acres, with 152,000 acres burned within four Western counties in just 2 days. As a part of the response, Oklahoma State University Extension initiated preliminary economic damage assessments. These assessments furnished timely information to media outlets, county commissioners, and response agencies. This presentation outlines the methodology and crucial data parameters utilized for the preliminary damage assessment. Key categories of assessment include the costs associated with pasture restoration, fence repair/replacement, valuation of lost livestock and hay, expenses for emergency animal care, and the financial ramifications of residential property and infrastructure loss. Considering Oklahoma's regional diversity, tailored strategies for refining damage assessments will be examined. Furthermore, the presentation will address the ongoing evolution of assessment methodology, aiming for a comprehensive economic impact evaluation, and monitoring the recovery progress in affected regions.

Authors: Amy Hagerman
  1. Amy Hagerman Asc Prof - Ag and Food Policy, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, 74078