Teaching & Educational Technologies
John Dorner
IT Coordinator
Learning is an individual self-directed process, but learning does not have to be a solitary process. Often it is best done with others. Fortunately, there are many tools you can use to help you continue your learning. Which tools are the right ones for you? Who do you go to to ask your questions? How do you find these people? \r\n\r\nMany of today’s social media sites make it easy to find the right people and the right information and to share what you know. Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Delicious, Diigo, Pinterest, Scoop.It, Slideshare, YouTube, Vimeo, TeacherTube, eXtension Learn, Facebook, StackExchange, WikiPedia, Google Alerts, RSS feeds, and podcasts are just some of the places you can share and learn. \r\n\r\nIn this session, we’ll discuss which tool to use for which job and how to find the information that you want.
Authors: Dorner IV, J. , Adrian, A.M.
Dorner IV, J. Extension Area Agent, Information Management, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, North Carolina, 28787
Adrian, A.M. Social Media Strategist, eXtension and Auburn University, Alabama, 36849