Applied Research
Brian Clark
Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Horticulture
\r\n During the main summer growing season, many high tunnels are left vacant, as it is believed that unfiltered sun and air movement of traditional outdoor production will be greater than the filtered light and restricted air movement of summer high tunnel production. In addition, it is known that heat buildup in certain high tunnels can cause plant injury. However, in limited growing areas, such as urban agriculture, high tunnels must be used year round. Can the plastic remain on these high tunnels until they have degraded, or should the plastic be removed during frost free dates. Over the past 3 years, roll-up side high tunnels at the University of Maryland have out-produced adjacent outdoor plots. These high tunnel plots not only out-produced outdoor plots in the overall longevity of the plots, but also weekly harvest averages. Effects that have been mitigated by the high tunnel are rain damage, wind damage, animal damage, weed pressure, low temperatures, and even some insect pressure.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: Clark Brian
Brian, C. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 20735