Applied Research
Ray Hicks
County Extension Coordinator
University of Georgia
\r\n Cereal and legume cover crops are integral to organic production systems and the NOP standards indicate that organic seed should be used when available; however, organic cover crop seeds are not widely available and there is little to no organic seed production in the southeastern United States. If organic cover crop seed production is a viable enterprise for growers, it will improve the availability of varieties adapted to the Southeast; provide a source for locally grown seeds, as well as adding another profit center for certified organic growers, seed cleaners and local seed companies. We propose to evaluate whether the production of certified organic crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum var. Dixie) and annual rye seed (Secale cereal var. Wren Abruzzi) can be a profitable enterprise. Our objectives are to determine: seed yields, seed quality, profitability, and special equipment adaptations or infrastructure needs. One third acre plots were randomly assigned to either annual rye or crimson clover with three replicates for each cover crop. Plots assigned to annual rye were fertilized with 3 tons/ac poultry litter prior to discing. Poultry litter was not applied to the crimson clover plots. Yields are determined by area and weight measurements, which will allow a more accurate determination of seed yield in these relatively small plots. Profitability will be initially assessed by developing a production budget and comparing current certified organic rye and crimson clover seed prices to production costs.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: Ray Hicks*, Relinda Walker, Julia Gaskin, Amanda Smith, Dr. Harry Schomberg
Hicks*, R. County Extension Coordinator, Georgia Extension, Screven County, Georgia, 30467
Walker, R. Farmer Cooperator, Walker Farms, Georgia, 30467
Gaskin, J. Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator, University of Georgia, Georgia, 30602
Smith, A. Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31793
Schomberg, D. Ecologist, USDA , ARS, Georgia, 30677