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Nursery and Green Industry Resources

Extension Education

Timothy Waller
Agriculture & Natural Resources County Agent III


Quick Response codes, aka QR codes, aka the black and white digital looking squares, regained popularity during COVID-19 as outdoor bars and restaurants sought out ‘touch-less’ ways of sharing menus or payment options, both of which are subject to regular changes. The educational need here is the ability to share, on a physical resource, copious, diverse, and constantly evolving information that can be quickly modified via QR code destination link manipulation. QR codes if properly implemented, and their destination directories or files properly maintained, offer Extension professionals the opportunity to update resource in the virtual space, while maintaining the usefulness of printed resources. Extension deliverables are at risk of becoming obsolete the moment they are printed, which often impacts what type of information is printed or how a deliverable is designed. Here an example, taken to the extreme, utilizes QR codes to place University, government, and professional association resources in nursery and green industry stakeholders’ breakrooms, pesticide sheds, and meeting locations. If properly designed, this type of QR code laden resource can escape becoming obsolete for considerably longer. This poster is meant to challenge an Extension professionals’ ideas of sharing dense, volatile, or time-sensitive information with diverse stakeholder groups.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Timothy Waller, William Errickson
  1. Waller, T. Agriculture & Natural Resources County Agent III, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, New Jersey, 08332-9776
  2. Errickson, W. Agriculture and Natural Resources County Agent III, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, New Jersey, 07728-5033