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Evaluation of an Extension Field Day to Improve Farm Profitability and Sustainability for New and Returning Clientele

Extension Education

Jordan Penrose
Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator
Ohio State


Beef cattle and forage production are the leading agriculture industries in southeastern Ohio and a primary focus of the Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Valley Extension Education and Research Area. Extension Educators have partnered with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Jackson, Ohio since 2011 to deliver annual educational field night programs. Educators provide educational and social programming related to beef and forage production to improve farm profitability and sustainability in southeastern Ohio and surrounding areas. The 2023 objectives of the annual program were (1) To show proper construction techniques of the different variety of fencing options farmers may implement on their operations. (2) Showing the economic and environmental benefits of rotational grazing strategies compared to continuous grazing to extend the grazing season. (3) Educating participants on buying cattle based on Expected Progeny Differences to see the economic-benefit of selection based on genetic testing instead of only based on visual appraisal. (4) Introducing new farming technology that may not have historically been considered to southeastern Ohio farmers. A quantitative approach was taken where participants were asked to rank learning statements on a 1 – 6 Likert scale. Learning statements included: (1) I understand the opportunities and challenges of using drones for pasture management. (2) I understand additional management systems that can be added when using EID tags on cattle. (3) I understand the economic benefits of implementing grazing strategies. (4) I know the environmental benefits that grazing can provide. (5) I know how to use data in a sire directory. (6) I know how to identify economically important traits specific to a herd. (7) I understand proper gate placement in my fence. (8) I understand how to select the correct size fence energizer. (9) I understand what type of staple I have and correct placement. (10) I understand the importance of proper corner post installation. The survey results were collected on a retrospective pre/post-test. A net gain of knowledge of 1.74, improving on the 2022 results of 1.66. Collection of evaluation data will help plan future objectives for the program. 

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Jordan Penrose, Joshua Winters, Dirk Dempsey, Christopher Bruynis, Trevor Corboy, Garth Ruff, Theodore Wiseman, Jason Hartschuh
  1. Penrose, J. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45631
  2. Winters, J. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45640
  3. Dempsey, D. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45661
  4. Bruynis, C. Associate Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45601
  5. Corboy, T. Agriculture and Natural Resources and Community Development Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45121
  6. Ruff, G. Assistant Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43724
  7. Wiseman, T. Assistant Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43764
  8. Hartschuh, J. Assistant Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43420