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Broiler Chick Project - Partnering 4-H Learning with Local Food Banks

Extension Education

Maya Rowe
Mason City


According to the Iowa Department of Education, Bureau of Information and Analysis, 60.4% of Mason City youth receive free/reduced lunch. The Cerro Gordo County 4-H Broiler Chick Program teaches youth about the development of food and the poultry industry. The ISU Extension and Outreach Office Cerro Gordo County partnered with Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank, Clear Lake/Ventura Food Pantry, and Mason City Community Kitchen. Through the Broiler Chick Project, youth learned about raising poultry to market weight and where food comes from. The project is open to any 4-H or Clover Kid member and half the costs are covered for all participants. This allows members of underrepresented groups to attend and feel included. After the first year of this program, we saw an increase in the number of participants in the poultry project. From summer of 2021 to summer of 2022, we saw a 67% increase in participant numbers. The project generated 355 pounds of meat donated to our three food bank partners, which equals 1,420 servings of fresh poultry for those in need. Each food pantry was given Spend Smart. Eat Smart. recipe cards, along with contact information for our local nutrition educator. ISU Extension and Outreach intends on continuing the Broiler Chick Program in the future, with the desire to educate all Cerro Gordo County 4-H youth about food security and the poultry industry in Iowa.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Maya Rowe, Sarah DeBour
  1. Rowe, M. County Youth Coordinator, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach - Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 50401
  2. DeBour, S. County Director, Iowa State Extension and Outreach-Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 50401-5405