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Extension Education

Jessica Jones


\r\n    The objective of the chuck roll fabrication demonstration is to educate producers, processors, and retailers about the potential of these cuts to increase profits.  Also, the demonstration seeks to increase consumer awareness and acceptance of these easy to prepare, moderately priced cuts.  The beef chuck roll is the portion of the chuck wholesale cut that lies along the thoracic vertebrae under the scapula.  Typically, retailers merchandise the chuck as pot roasts and other low-value products. Muscle profiling research has identified muscles, including those in the chuck, having eating characteristics that would increase their value if properly merchandised.  Across Nebraska, UNL Extension demonstrations showcasing the fabrication and preparation of value-added products from the beef chuck roll have educated over 650 individuals during 30 programs, plus over 15,000 attendees at Husker Harvest Days 2010. As a result of these efforts 23% of attendees requested one or more of these cuts at a retail store.   Of those who raise their own beef, 9% requested their local meat processing facility fabricate these new cuts, and a few participants reported they purchased a chuck roll and fabricated the cuts themselves.  Attendees sampled the new cuts and provided feedback on a scale (1-5).  Results indicate the demonstration was important and relevant (4.50), and attendees were satisfied with the flavor and juiciness of the new cuts (4.66).  These results indicate, an interest and value to producers, processors, retailers, and consumers.  Continued education is necessary because theses cuts are currently not widely available at retail or foodservice outlets.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: J.G. Jones, S.M. Ellicott, D.E. Bauer, L.M. Chichester, S.M. Pritchard, G.D. Stauffer
  1. Jones, J. Extension Educator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension, Johnson County, Nebraska, 68450
  2. Ellicott, S. Extension Educator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension, Saunders County, Nebraska, 68033
  3. Bauer, D. Extension Educator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension, Brown-Rock-KayaPaha Counties, Nebraska, 69210
  4. Chichester, L. Extension Educator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension, Richardson County, Nebraska, 68355
  5. Pritchard, S. Extension Educator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension, Boone-Nance Counties, Nebraska, 68620
  6. Stauffer, G. Extension Educator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension, Holt County, Nebraska, 68763