Applied Research
Gary England
Regional Specialized Agent/ Director
UF/IFAS Extension
\r\n There is an increased interest in growing low-chill peach cultivars in central Florida as an alternative to citrus or as a supplemental crop. To produce market standard peaches, several labor intensive operations must be completed properly and in a timely manner. Timely thinning of fruit to a desired spacing is critical in achieving the highest grade with a minimum diameter of 2.5 inches (large fruit) and marketable fruit with a minimum diameter of 2.25 inches. In 2010, four thinning treatments, none, 4 inch, 6 inch and 9 inch spacings were established before fruit were the diameter of a dime on one tree plots of three popular low-chill peach cultivars (Flordaprince, Tropicbeauty and UFBeauty). Harvest evaluations recording the percentage of fruit in the highest grade (2.5 inch diameter and greater), marketable fruit (2.25 to 2.5 inch diameter) and small fruit (less than 2.25 inch diameter) were accomplished weekly for a three week period after each cultivar began to ripen. Results of the trial indicated the highest percentage of large and marketable fruit of Flordaprince were obtained in the 6 inch spacing, followed closely by 9 inch. Results were the same for Tropicbeauty. For UFBeauty, the highest percentage of large fruit was in the 9 inch spacing. The results of this trial proved that thinning of peaches is necessary to achieve optimum marketable yields. Results were shared with 85 growers who attended a field day at the end of harvest.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: G.K. England, R.A. Atwood
England, G. Multi-county Extension Agent III - Fruit Crops, Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents, Florida, 32778
Atwood, R. Technical Sales Representative, Keyplex Co., Florida, 32777