Maximizing Forages in Pastures by Mechanically Controlling Weeds
Applied Research
Theodore Wiseman
Ohio State University
New Lexington
Increasing quality forages in pastures is an integral part of any grazing system. Not only can weeds lower the quality of pasture forages, but a few can be invasive and even toxic. Mechanically mowing pastures is one method producers can use if they do not want to spray herbicides. The purpose of this three-year study was to determine if forage quantity in pastures could be changed by varying the timing of mowing throughout the late spring and summer growing period without the use of herbicides. Treatments in this study consisted of: (1) Control (no mowing), (2) June only mowing, (3) July only mowing, (4) August only mowing, (5) September only mowing, (6) June and August mowing, (7) July and September mowing, and (8) mown each month; June-July-August-September. The control treatment averaged 268 lbs/ac DM of weeds and 2283 lbs/ac DM forages. The overall weed dry matter (DM) pounds/acre (lb/ac) shows that mowing in June, July or July/September were higher than all other treatments. The September and June/August treatments yielded the most forages of 2328 and 2313 lbs/ac on a DM basis, respectively. The lowest quantities of forages resulted in the July treatment of 1955 lbs/ac, while mowing monthly only produced 1990 lbs/ac DM.
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Authors: Theodore Wiseman, Christine Gelley, Catelyn Turner, Chris Penrose
Wiseman, T. Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43764
Gelley, C. Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43724
Turner, C. Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43793
Penrose, C. Professor, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43756