Extension Education
Sarah Baker
Extension Educator
Historically beef extension programs in Idaho have focused on traditional topics such as nutrition, reproduction, or animal health. While these topics are extremely important, presenters often times do not relate them to end-product quality. To help increase awareness of end-product quality and provide education on the “meat” side of the industry, University of Idaho Extension educators created the Idaho Beef Summit, a 3-day educational program that focuses on end-product quality. The Summit is offered biennially and held at locations around the state. To date, the Idaho Beef Summit has been offered in 2012 (Twin Falls) and in 2014 (Pocatello). The Summit has featured speakers, tours, and hands-on workshops on topics ranging from beef quality assurance to meat science 101 for ranchers. Previous tours have included beef packing plants and retail grocery stores and meat departments. Hands-on activities have included cutting demonstrations, taste panels, and quality grading carcasses. To date, 143 beef producers have attended the Idaho Beef Summit and evaluations have been positive. 100% of attendees stated they are more aware of end-product quality after attending the Summit, and 98% of attendees said they would consider end-product quality when making management decisions on the ranch. Participants ranked the overall economic value of the Summit as 4.8 on a scale of 1-5 (1=no value, 5=high value). Due to the success of the two previous Summits, and based on feedback from producers, it is intended that future Summits will be held to continue to educate beef producers about end-product quality in Idaho.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
A poster file has not been provided
Authors: S.D. Baker
Baker, S. Extension Educator, University of Idaho Extension, Idaho, 83226