Extension Education
Ty Petty
County Extension Director
University of Tennessee
\r\n Teen 4-H members in Unicoi County, TN are using GIS (geographic information system) to promote conservation, tourism, and active lifestyles. The first project involved mapping storm drains and labeling them with waterproof stickers stating “No Dumping, Drains to Stream.” The GIS team began hiking and mapping local sections of the Appalachian Trail after the county was designated as an Appalachian Trail Community. Current projects include an online community resources guide, a greenway guide, a local river guide, and a map of local recycling centers. The youth hiked over seventy miles during the past two years while learning about GPS/GIS technology, tree identification, conservation, and natural resources. The youth improved their teamwork, communication, fitness, career preparedness, and technology skills. Three of the team members joined the National 4-H GPS/GIS Leadership Team in 2011. The Unicoi County Appalachian Trail Map won the Best Student Map Presentation Award at the 2011 ESRI International User Conference. Over a thousand local Appalachian Trail Brochures, created by the 4-H GIS team, have been distributed through the Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Forest Service.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: A.T. Petty
Petty, A. Extension Agent, University of Tennessee Extension, Unicoi County, Tennessee, 37650