Extension Education
Ron Baker
Program Associate
\r\n Several nonselective herbicides are used in row crops today but no natural markers exist to alert herbicide applicators of crop tolerance or lack of tolerance to the herbicide being applied. The result is a national problem of herbicide misapplications and off target drift costing millions of dollars in crop damage each year and injuring community relationships in the process. A simple solution using color coded bicycle type marker flags was devised to address these problems in 2010 and presented to the County Extension Council’s Rice and Soybean Subcommittee in Clay County Arkansas. Each herbicide technology was assigned a specific color with a corresponding flag placed in the field. Red indicates conventional technology (no crop tolerance to any nonselective herbicide); white indicates RoundUp Ready technology; bright green indicates Liberty Link technology; bright yellow indicates Clearfield and STS technologies. An instant success in Clay County, “Flag the Technology” became a statewide Extension program in 2011 and a multi state program in 2012. Fact sheets and dash stickers are available for the program. As a direct result of Flag the Technology, herbicide misapplications in Clay County are down about 28%. Program users are expected to at least double in 2012.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
A poster file has not been provided
Authors: Ron Baker
Baker, R. County Extension Agent - Agriculture, University of Arkansas Division of Agricultgure, Arkansas, 72422