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Mississippi Advanced Master Gardener Course

Extension Education

Jeffrey Wilson
Assistant Horticulture Professor
Mississippi State University


The purpose of this educational course was to increase the outreach capacity of the Mississippi Master Gardener (MG) Volunteer program by training select MGs to become leaders in the statewide organization. This was accomplished by providing a two-day in-person training with presentations and hands-on activities. The curriculum was developed by numerous specialists with MSU Extension. Participants were instructed on advanced horticulture topics and a variety of proven teaching techniques. They were then required to complete a follow-up project within six months to become an Advanced Master Gardener. These projects were approved at every step by the State MG Coordinator. Once fully completed, the projects were shared with all county MG groups across the state. Four Extension publications and six PowerPoint presentations were developed for use by any MG in the state. These will be used to educate clientele on numerous topics related to horticulture and technology. The four MSU Extension publications are newly listed with the print on demand system, so the exact number of downloads is not currently available. The estimate is that they will be downloaded a total of 250 times each year. The six PowerPoints have been presented a total of 22 times to over 225 clientele, educating them on Planting for Pollinators, Getting in Shape to Garden, How to Successfully Grow and Maintain Lantana, Preparing an Insect Collection, Perennial Flowers in the Shade, and Starting a MG Website. Each presentation has been evaluated and edited to be engaging and effective in providing sound research-based horticultural information.  

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Jeffrey Wilson
  1. Wilson, J. Assistant Horticulture Professor, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, 38879