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Extension Education

Mark Heitstuman
Extension Director & Interim State 4-H Program Director
Washington State University


With an estimated 60% of the 4-H members in Southeastern Washington and Northern Idaho enrolled in 4-H market livestock programs, there is a demand for experiential education targeting youth producers with sheep and goat ruminant projects. Consumers of 4-H projects are also concerned about food safety and quality assurance; animal welfare; and the personal safety of both youth and the animals they raise. However, there are only 4 Extension faculty in a 14-county area of Southeastern Washington and Northern Idaho with 4-H livestock responsibilities. Over 105 youth, leaders and producers attended the 2009 Sheep/Goat Field Day held in Asotin. Presenters included WSU and UI Extension faculty; WSDA veterinarians; successful producers; feed representatives; and WSU students. They used “hands-on” learning to provide the latest research-based information on such topics as: Project selection, healthcare and nutrition, biosecurity, quality assurance, and showmanship. A post program survey indicated 100% of the participants increased their level of knowledge for 5 indicators: Selection of project animals to meet industry standards; feeding and nutrition; health care; fitting and showing; and quality assurance and biosecurity. Over 83% of the participants indicated that they were able to immediately apply what they learned at the field day to their livestock projects. As a result of the field day, local Extension Offices have been able to strengthen their partnerships with local veterinarians, feed stores, industry leaders and livestock producers. An additional impact has been an increase in financial support from the livestock industry for the continuation of this and similar programs.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M. Heitstuman, J. Schmidt
  1. Heitstuman, M. Director, WSU Asotin County Extension, Washington, 99402
  2. Schmidt, J. Director, WSU Whitman County Extension, Washington, 99111