Applied Research
Wayne Flanary
Field Specialist in Agronomy
University of Missouri Extension
St. Joseph
Corn and soybean omission trials were established at the University of Missouri Graves Chapple Research Center located at Fairfax, Missouri. The trials objective was to show the impact of changing crop inputs within a management system and measure their impact on corn and soybean yield. Each omission trial had sixteen treatments with each having a high yield system compared to a standard system in an experimental complete randomized complete block design. Treatment one was the high yield system and treatment nine was the standard system in each trial. The other treatment factor design consists of replacing the high yield level of a factor by its standard system factor and replacing the standard system of a given factor by its high yield factor. The results of the high yield corn system averaged over a 16-bushel yield increase across the three years compared to the standard system. The high yield system had reduced yields when the standard system factors of corn population, nitrogen rate and defensive hybrid were inserted into the high yield system. The standard system had a yield increase of 15-bushels with the increase in population from the high yield system. The high yield factor of early planting resulted in a 15-bushel yield loss in the standard system. The results of the high yield soybean system averaged over 10-bushels per acre greater than the standard system across three years. The high yield system had reduced yields when the standard system factors of omitting the seed treatment and the use of 30-inch row spacing. The standard system resulted in increased yields by adding the high yield factor factors of ILevo seed treatment package, narrow row spacing and fungicide application.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: W. Flanary
Flanary, W. Field Specialist in Agronomy, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 64507