View Poster Application


Applied Research

Retired County Director and 4-H Youth Educator
Washington State University Extension


With downturn in the economy and subsequent budget cuts to WSU Extension and Whitman County, postage funds were no longer available for mailing information to 4-H leaders and families. One low cost and effective solution for the dissemination of information includes the usage of electronic media, email, websites and internet. The question came up: Are email, websites and internet appropriate methods for communicating and transferring information to the 4-H audience? In cooperation with the WSU Center for Civic Engagement and Communication Studies 475, a group of students volunteered to survey leaders as a class project. The survey was written and field tested by a few willing volunteers. Modifications were made and then it was distributed through the leader email list; hardcopies were shared at the Annual 4-H Achievement Program and available in the Extension office for those who preferred this format. After the second reminder, we had a 40% response rate. With support from WSU Division of Governmental Studies data from the survey were analyzed and shared with the students. The survey concluded that a well designed website is an effective method to communicate and disseminate information to the 4-H audience. However, it is important to note that many 4-H families are on dial up therefore the website should be simple in format and easy to navigate. Due to age demographics and lack of web access, information should continue to be mailed to the small percentage of families that request it.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: J.L. Schmidt, C. Verge, C Ayers, A. Berschauer, A. Snider
  1. Schmidt, J. County Director and 4-H Youth Educator, Washington State University Extension Whitman County, Washington, 99111
  2. Verge, C. WSU Student, Washington State University, Washington, 99164
  3. Ayers, C. WSU Student, Washington State University, Washington, 99164
  4. Berschauer, A. WSU Student, Washington State University, Washington, 99164
  5. Snider, A. WSU Student, Washington State University, Washington, 99164