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Extension Education

Mallory Maher
Natural Resources Extension Associate
Clemson Extension


The Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) is a natural resources program aimed at teaching wildlife and fisheries habitat management and conservation to youth ages 9-18.  The program provides youth the opportunity to make real-life wildlife management decisions, tests their wildlife knowledge in a friendly competition, and exposes youth to potential career opportunities.  In an effort to build the program in South Carolina, an adult WHEP Educators Training was held for formal and non-formal educators, 4-H volunteers, and Extension agents to provide them with resources and hands-on experience to teach their students and 4-H members about wildlife. A mixed-method evaluation with a 5-point Likert scale and open-ended questions was used at the training.  All of the educators that attended the training (n = 21) agreed or strongly agreed that the training increased their skills in wildlife areas of interest to them, provided them information/resources to successfully lead a WHEP team, and gave them hands-on experience that will help them with future WHEP activities. In addition, 90% agreed or strongly agreed that the WHEP training made them more passionate about youth wildlife programs. Eight-one percent of these participants were new to WHEP. Projected reach of youth that would engage in WHEP following the training was 668 youth.  

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M.K. Dailey, T. A. Burns, R Willey, A. J. Savereno, A. Broom
  1. Dailey, M. 4-H Extension Agent, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29691
  2. Burns, T. 4-H Assistant Director, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29634
  3. Willey, R. 4-H Shooting Sports & Natural Resources Specialist, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29634
  4. Savereno, A. Wildlife Agent, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29010
  5. Broom, A. Undergraduate Student, Clemson University, South Carolina, 29634