Extension Education
Madeline Flahive DiNardo
Berkeley Heights
\r\n The Robinson’s Branch Creek, major tributary of the Rahway River, is impaired by phosphorus, sediment and bacteria. To address this issue, the Robinson’s Branch Stormwater Management Implementation project was funded by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. It is a collaborative effort between Rutgers Cooperative Extension, the Rutgers Water Resources Program the Township of Clark, and the City of Rahway, NJ. The first phase of the project was to install a rain garden at Arthur L. Johnson High School in Clark. The rain garden will capture run-off from a “Green Car Wash” facility on the adjacent public works department property. Municipal vehicles will be washed with water collected from the public works storage building and stored in a cistern. Community organizations will use the “Green Car Wash” for fundraising activities. The ninth grade environmental science class (192) students participated in classroom instruction on non-point source pollution and ways to protect water resources, including the use of rain gardens. Pre/Post survey scores showed an increase in knowledge about the definitions of a watershed and rain garden, difference between point and non-point source pollution, and the identification major pollutants in the watershed. In the fall of 2011, the public works department excavated the site. Students measured the site, planted some native shrubs and mulched the garden. In the spring of 2012, students designed landscape plans for the garden in a competition. The winning design was planted in May.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: M. Flahive DiNardo, M. Bakacs, A. Boyajian, B. Pearson, C. Obropta, S. Nagourney
Flahive DiNardo, M. Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Union County, New Jersey, 07090
Bakacs, M. Environmental and Resource Managment Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex and Union County, New Jersey, 07090
Boyajian, A. Program Associate, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program, New Jersey, 08901
Pearson, B. Program Associate, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program, New Jersey, 08901
Obropta, C. Extension Specialist, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program, New Jersey, 08901
Nagourney, S. Teacher, Arthur L. Johnson High School, New Jersey, 07066