Extension Education
F. John Barker
Extension Educator, Agriculture
OSU Extension Knox County
Land Grant Universities across the United States routinely conduct research. Disseminating the results to our clientele, farmers, is the final critical step of this process. The age of our farming population varies from low 20’s to upper 70’s. Each age group exhibits different learning preferences. In addition, COVID-19 has changed our current and possibly future information exchange options. To remain viable to our clientele, our educational program delivery and information dissemination must change as their needs change. Ohio State University Extension has produced a yearly collection of on-farm research studies, eFields, to better help farmers make choices for their own farm. To take full advantage of this educational effort several videos were produced to accompany the eFields report. Each video highlights the Extension Educator and Ohio’s Farmers working together to explore agronomic issues. The video focuses on both the collaborating farmer and the educator explaining the study, the results, and economic impacts. The videos also display the relationship between the Educator, the farmer, and some lighter moments of working together. Videos are shown at winter programing and at pesticide and fertilizer re-certification meetings. These videos inspire human to human learning by showing people working together to solve problems and having the farmer explain what is truly happening in their fields to another farmer. The videos create great discussion and make the meetings “actually enjoyable” according to participants. Videos have been used since 2019 in programing. The 2021 evaluations report, 85.92% reported they learn best when utilizing both video and factsheets, 72.73% reported that after watching the videos they were more likely to partners with OSU Extension in conducting on-farm research, 88.89% reported that after watching the videos they were more likely to use OSU Extension as a resource. Many of the videos can be viewed at
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Authors: F. J. Barker, R. Leeds, J. Smith, R. Leggett
Barker, F. Extension Educator, Agriculture, OSU Extension Knox County, Ohio, 43050
Leeds, R. Extension Educator ANR, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43015
Smith, J. Extension Educator ANR/4H, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43015
Leggett, R. Extension Program Assistant, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43015