View Poster Application

Expanding Opportunities and Knowledge Through a Commercial Swine Project

Extension Education

Christy Clary


The Brown County Ohio Commercial Swine project began in 2023 to increase the number of swine projects while also providing an alternative to the traditional market swine project. Commercial Swine project members sign up during enrollment and then choose to purchase one or two hogs. All hogs are barrows sourced from the same location and at market price. Each exhibitor pays the same amount per hog, and they are assigned through a lottery process on pick-up day. The pigs are commercial-quality hogs, not show hogs. The Commercial Swine project is its own show with its own judge, selected specifically for their knowledge of the commercial industry. A grand and reserve overall commercial swine project is selected, as well as rate of gain. In the two years the program has been offered, 22 individual youth have participated, over half of which had never taken a market hog before. The commercial swine project has opened the door for more youth in 4-H and junior fair to participate in a swine project, learn about the swine industry, and focus on the marketability of their animal. Exhibitors, parents, and community members support the program, which is now being replicated in other Ohio Counties. 

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted only for display at AM/PIC. Poster is not to be judged, but the abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: Christy Clary
  1. Clary, C. Extension Educator, Ohio State, Ohio, 45121