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Extension Education

Chris Zoller
Ohio State University Extension Tuscarawas County
New Philadelphia


Based on the need for a new management model in Ohio State University Extension, a cross-section of Extension professionals, college representatives, and statewide stakeholders was appointed to a task force charged to propose a management structure that best supports county level operations.  Three sub-committees were established. The OSU Extension Structure Review Sub-Committee took a deep dive into a historic timeline of Extension administrative models. They investigated the strengths and weakness of past models to inform future decision making. The Other Extension Models Sub-Committee compared management models from approximately 24 benchmark Extension systems. Through this, committee members took stock of management structures across other systems that were similar in size and demographics to Ohio. They contacted employees at different universities with a set of questions that covered funding models, mentoring, promotion and what the system does extremely well.  The Communication Sub-Committee strategically managed communication to the rest of the organization to keep employees abreast of progress. Additionally, Extension professionals were afforded opportunities to provide feedback through surveys and focus groups. Key areas identified for improvement were moving to full time supervisors and dedicated programmatic support. Based on their research, the task force suggested a two-part plan that included full-time regional managers and additional full-time personnel to provide program development support in each Extension program area. Extension has not been immune to turnover rates impacting all industries across the U.S. We believe this structure will provide support in this new era of employee management.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted only for display at AM/PIC. Poster is not to be judged, but the abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: Amanda Douridas, Maggie Rivera, Haley Shoemaker, Megan Arnold, Chris Zoller
  1. Douridas, A. Extension Educator, OSU Extension Madison County, Ohio, 43140
  2. Rivera, M. Extension Educator, ANR, Ohio State University Extension Summit County, Ohio, 44307
  3. Shoemaker, H. Extension Educator, ANR, Ohio State University Extension Columbiana County, Ohio, 44432
  4. Arnold, M. Area Leader & Co-Director, Operations, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43604
  5. Zoller, C. Interim Assistant Director, ANR, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43210