Extension Education
Nancy Thelen
Extension Educator
Ann Arbor
Breakfast on the Farm (BOTF), a program of Michigan State University Extension, gives consumers and farm neighbors a firsthand look at modern food production and the farm families who work hard to produce a safe, wholesome food supply for Michigan communities and the world. A total of 53,552 visitors and volunteers have participated in twenty-six programs held since 2009 throughout Michigan. Twenty-two of the host farms have been dairy farms, two were beef, and one was a crop farm and one an apple operation. The program is helping to mend the multi-generational disconnect between producers and consumers. According to exit surveys, three out of every four attendees fit the program's ideal target audience - people either completely removed from modern farming or slightly familiar. The educational farm tours provide the public an opportunity to see modern, non-commercial farm operations first-hand and to put a face of the producer on the products they buy at the grocery store. The free breakfast which starts off the tour is an added bonus for the attendees. Results of the exit surveys show that participation in BOTF helps to change the public’s knowledge about food production, their impression about modern agriculture and is building consumer trust. The first online follow-up survey of participants was completed in 2013 and showed that consumers do purchase more dairy products as a result of participating in a Breakfast on the Farm program at a dairy farm, and they talk to many others about their experiences on the farm tours.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
A poster file has not been provided
Authors: N. Thelen, T.A Ferris, M.A. Dunckel, A. Kuschel
Thelen, N. Extension Educator, Michigan State University Extension, Michigan, 48107
Ferris, T. Professor, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, Michigan, 48824
Dunckel, M. Extension Educator, Michigan State University Extension, Michigan, 49707
Kuschel, A. Extension Program Instructor, Michigan State University Extension, Michigan, 48036