Extension Education
Katie Wagner
Horticultural Agent
Utah State University
Salt Lake City
\r\n Abstract
\r\n Newly hired faculty in Salt Lake County needed to restructure a poorly functioning Master Gardener Program to meet USU Extension expectations. Prior to restructuring, most Master Gardener volunteer projects did not benefit horticulture faculty and demonstrated little educational outreach to the public. The program was restructured to meet the expectations of USU and fit the model of a Master Gardener Program detailed by Utah’s State Master Gardener Coordinator. A survey conducted in spring 2011 found 53% of Master Gardeners were very satisfied with the program. Several volunteers suggested that more educational and diagnostic learning opportunities might increase their excitement to volunteer and many volunteers were unhappy with high labor, low public outreach projects. Projects were modified to address these concerns and meet USU expectations. 42 volunteers reported hours in 2011. Not including new students, 54 Master Gardeners committed to volunteer hours in 2012. A follow-up survey in spring 2012 found 73% of volunteers are very satisfied with the Master Gardener Program. It was found to be critical for USU Extension administration to be aware and supportive of the restructuring efforts by county faculty throughout the reshaping of the program since restructuring efforts were met with resistance by some Master Gardeners. A state-wide adopted Policies and Procedures document aided county faculty when addressing disgruntled Master Gardeners. A Master Gardener Advisory Council was adopted to foster constructive input from volunteers. The following timeline details the restructuring of the USU Extension Master Gardener Program in Salt Lake County from spring 2011-2012.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: K.M. Wagner
Wagner, K. Extension Assistant Professor of Horticulture in Salt Lake County, Utah State University Extension, Utah, 84114