The Outdoor Skills Challenge: Programming for a Year
Extension Education
Jesse Bocksnick
4-H Outdoor Skills Coordinator
Little Rock
This session will introduce session attendees to the development, implementation, and future goals of the Arkansas Outdoor Skills Challenge. The Arkansas Outdoor Skills Challenge is a competitive event for youth ages 9-19. However, the event was also designed for counties to be able to incorporate the activities related to the challenge into their monthly programming at the club or county level. Most activities can be introduced to all ages. The idea behind this contest was to provide a competitive activity that incorporates a wide range of skills that might appeal a wide range of youth with varying interests – camping, canoeing, shooting sports, survival, fishing, etc. It is also structured in a way that does not favor any one event over another. Youth are able to compete as a team or an individual. The overall program provides youth an opportunity to explore a wide variety of outdoor programs/activities. It gives them an opportunity to interact with other youth with similar interests.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted only for display at AM/PIC. Poster is not to be judged, but the abstract will be published in the proceedings.
A poster file has not been provided
Authors: Jesse Bocksnick, Creenna Bocksnick
Bocksnick, J. 4-H Outdoor Skills Instructor, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72204
Bocksnick, C. Arkansas 4-H Camping Coordinator, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72223