Extension Education
Theodore Wiseman
Ohio State University
New Lexington
\r\n Two series of meetings were conducted in February and March to address identified issues for Beef and Sheep/Goat producers in Ohio and across the country. Livestock producers had the opportunity to participate in a series of four weekly meetings for each of the respective species. Sheep/Goat topics included Newborn Health Issues, Internal Parasites, Udder Health and Mastitis, and Recognizing, Treating, and Preventing Major Diseases. Beef topics included Economic Considerations, Market Targets and Alternatives, Genetics and Reproduction Efficiencies, and Future Meat Industry Perspectives. Webex-based technology was utilized to reach 181 Sheep/Goat farmers and 210 Beef farmers on average for each meeting at 15 locations across the state and two out-of-state locations. Materials presented were sent to each host location prior to meetings so that participants received hard copies. During the sessions producers had the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters through the interactive feature of the Webex technology. This was the first virtual educational program conducted for Sheep and Goat producers and the second year for Beef producers in Ohio. Combined evaluations for both series indicated that over 78% plan to make changes in their operation, while 97% would recommend this program to others. As a result of these programs, participants estimated that they will save an average of $46/head for sheep/goats and $81/head for beef
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
Click to view Poster
Authors: T.G. Wiseman, J.M. McCutcheon, J. Grimes, R.A. Lewandoski, M. Mechling, C.D. Penrose
Wiseman, T. Extension Educator, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43783
McCutcheon, J. Extension Educator, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43338
Grimes, J. Beef Specialist, Ohio State University, Ohio, 45661
Lewandoski, R. Extension Educator, Ohio State University, Ohio, 44691
Mechling, M. Extension Educator, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43701
Penrose, C. Extension Educator, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43756