A National Tractor Safety Training Website: An online location to support training and testing resources
Extension Education
Shelly Dee Jepsen
Professor and State Specialist, Ag Safety and Health
Ohio State University Extension
A national tractor and machinery safety training website was established to create awareness for training resources, testing options, and provide support for instructors in Extension and Ag Science classrooms who teach young tractor operators about safe operation of agricultural tractors.
A website of this nature has a broad target audience. Whether it is a young worker looking for a certification class, a parent or employer needing to understand the types of training required for youth employment, or an Extension educator/ high school agriculture teacher seeking training resources, the website contains relevant content to answer their questions. The website also has application for rural landowners, new and beginning farmers, and farm supervisors seeking training resources for general safety equipment operation.
The purpose of a national tractor safety training website is to promote training information in one comprehensive location, providing links to national resources. A function of this site is to provide non-biased, credible and reliable information for tractor and machinery safety training programs, as well as training requirements for agricultural employees 16 years of age and under.
Tractors and machinery are the primary equipment used in agriculture, and also the leading cause of injuries on farms and ranches. This website helps identify training resources, certification programs (including testing processes), and best practices for safe operation of agricultural equipment. The site also highlights youth training requirements of the federal Hazardous Occupations Order in Agriculture.
Having an established national website helps promote tractor and machinery safety resources and training requirements for agricultural workers. The ultimate goal is to improve safe operation of agricultural equipment.
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Authors: Shelly Dee Jepsen, Amy Rademaker, Jill Kilanowski, Madeline Walther
Jepsen, S. Professor and State Specialist, Ag Safety and Health, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43210
Rademaker, A. Continuing Education Specialist, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43210
Kilanowski, J. Research Associate, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43210
Walther, M. Agricultural Communications Student Intern, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43210