Extension Education
Zachary Taylor
Research Specialist
NC State University
Auxin tolerant crops and labelled products were introduced to the market for the 2017 growing season. Depending on trait package, these crops are either tolerant to dicamba or 2,4-D products. Due to widespread herbicide-resistant weeds in North Carolina, high adoption rates of this new technology was anticipated. However, non-tolerant crop are highly susceptible to low rates of these products, so issues with off-target movement due to physical drift and volatility were also expected. In an effort to limit these incidents, North Carolina adopted 24(c) special local needs labels for these products, requiring annual training by NC State University extension specialist on their proper use. All attendees at these trainings have been offered a survey since 2018. These surveys have helped extension track the adoption of this technology, as well as the attitude growers have towards both the technology and training requirements. We were also able to track off-target movement complaints by attendees, and see if training efforts were having the desired effect of reducing these incidents. After three years of surveys, we can see that adoption of the technology has been increasing each year among growers in attendance. While reports of off-target movement to sensitive varieties of soybean and cotton crops has been variable, we have observed a steady decline in reports of off-target movement to tobacco, North Carolina’s highest value crop. Growers have been overwhelmingly supportive of the training requirements, with 83, 88, and 91 percent of attendees reporting the training is worth their time in 2018, 2019, and 2020 respectively. The support we have gathered from growers, as well as decreasing reports of off-target movement, show that the auxin training program in North Carolina has been very successful.
Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC
This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.
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Authors: Z.R. Taylor, C.W. Jr. Cahoon, W.J. Everman, D.L. Jordan, A.C. York
Taylor, Z. Research Specialist, NC State University, North Carolina, 27330
Cahoon, C. Extension Specialist, NC State University, North Carolina, 27695
Everman, W. Extension Specialist, NC State University, North Carolina, 27695
Jordan, D. Extension Specialist, NC State University, North Carolina, 27695
York, A. Extension Specialist Ret., NC State University, North Carolina, 27695