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Applied Research

Justin Shealey
County Extension Coordinator
University of Georgia


The pepper weevil, Anthonomus eugenii, is the key pest of pepper wherever it occurs. While the adults can feed on pepper foliage, this pest requires fruiting structures for oviposition and larval development. The primary damage results from grubs feeding within the fruiting structures which frequently causes fruit abscission. Larger fruit which do not abscise are unmarketable because of the presence of the grubs, pupae, insect frass and feeding damage. The adult female deposits eggs in the fruiting structures of pepper, with a preference for small buds and pods, but will oviposit in large fruit as well. The eggs hatch within the fruit and the grub and pupal stage all occur within the fruit. With all of the immature development period spent within fruiting structures, the only stage that can be effectively controlled with insecticides is the adult stage. Because the fruit is directly attacked and even a low percentage of fruit infested can render a field unharvestable, the tolerance for this pest is extremely low. The combination of an extremely low tolerance for damage and being able to only control the adult stage generally makes preventive control a necessity.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: S. Sparks, J Shealey, T Torrance, S Hollifield, J. Hand, J. Kichler, A. Carter, J Dawson
  1. Sparks, S. Extension Vegetable Entomologist, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31794
  2. Shealey, J. County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31648
  3. Torrance, T. Area Vegetable Agent, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31794
  4. Hollifield, S. County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31794
  5. Hand, J. County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31794
  6. Kichler, J. County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31788
  7. Carter, A. County Extension Agent, University of Georgia, Georgia, 31601
  8. Dawson, J. County Extension Agent, Fort Valley State University, Georgia, 31601