View Poster Application


Extension Education

Tim Varnedore




\r\n Youth of our county and state often have little knowledge of where their food comes from and the steps that are involved in producing it. Since food does not “just appear” in the grocery store, awareness is the key to understanding the process involved in food production. A program was needed to increase our student’s awareness of agriculture, where their food comes from and how it is produced. At the teacher’s request, Jeff Davis County Extension Agents provided a series of classes and activities that focused on peanut production. These classes were presented to youth in kindergarten and second grade in Jeff Davis County Schools. Kindergarten students received four hours of hands-on activities to meet the needs of the educational objectives. Second graders received three hours of instruction to meet cross curriculum needs of math, social studies and reading objectives. These students received more in depth explanations of peanut production, the importance to their local and state economy as well as health, nutrition and food safety. As a result of these activities, participants could name the three peanut growing regions in the United States. They identified Georgia in the Southeast growing region as the largest peanut producing state in the country. Also, students could state facts about peanuts, label parts of the plant and recognize that peanuts grow below the ground. Class members created a class poster with peanut facts written on peanut templates for display at the school.




Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: T. Varnedore, S. Marchant
  1. Varnedore, T. Jeff Davis County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, Georgia, 31539
  2. Marchant, S. Jeff Davis County Extension Agent, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, Georgia, 31539