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Livestock producer response to the 2024 drought in southeast Ohio

Applied Research

Clifton Martin
Ext. Educ,, ANR
The Ohio State University


The 2024 growing season in southeast Ohio was marked by historic drought conditions leading the U.S. Department of Agriculture to designate 22 counties and 18 neighboring counties as natural disaster areas. Local impacts were felt in agricultural production resulting in limited hay supplies and lack of water access, placing stress on livestock production systems. Statewide, 2024 hay production yields in Ohio were 30% below the previous year’s harvest according to USDA NASS. To further understand the impact to livestock producers in southeast Ohio, a survey tool was developed to gather information directly from producers which was shared during programming events from August to November 2024. This tool was designed to capture pasture conditions during the months of June-October and quantify supplemental feed and water hauling demands. 94 responses were received, and initial data summaries indicate that as early as second cutting, 73% of recipients reported 50% or greater reduction in hay yield. 43% of respondents indicated that first cutting hay was 100% of normal yield and 33% of respondents indicated first cutting hay was at least 75% of normal yield. A third cutting of hay was very limited with 42% indicating 25% or less hay yield. Initial data also indicated an average beef herd of 47 head and 160 acres farmed in hay or pasture. The USDA Farm Service Agency released funds through Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP) and through the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP).  These programs offered financial assistance for water hauling and hay hauling. On January 24, 2025, it was estimated that a total of $3,836,098.92 has been paid out in Muskingum County and Morgan County alone across 238 farm operations. This project aims to capture and quantify the economic impacts of the drought to the local cattle production systems.

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This poster is being submitted only for display at AM/PIC. Poster is not to be judged, but the abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Clifton Martin, Garth Ruff, Jordan Penrose, Dean Kreager
  1. Martin, C. Ext. Educ,, ANR, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43701
  2. Ruff, G. Field Specialist, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43724
  3. Penrose, J. Ext. Educ., ANR, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43756
  4. Kreager, D. Ext. Educ., ANR, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43055