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Extension Education

Wm. Bruce Clevenger
Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Farm Management
Ohio State University Extension


\r\n Extension professionals developed a workshop and taught research results on crop yield response to drainage/tillage, design and installation of drainage, outlet management (controlled drainage), conservation best management practices (BMP), and water quality concerns from dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP).  The objectives were to confirm and add to participant’s knowledge about farm drainage and measure potential adoption of recommended practices related to farm drainage, nutrient management and water quality.  The workshop’s attendance was 85 adults, responding as farmland owner (67%), operator of crops farm (63%), operator of livestock farm (8%), having landlords with cropland lease agreements (39%), work for agri-business (11%), and/or work for agricultural agency (13%).  Following the workshop, 62 (73%) participants returned an evaluation instrument.  On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 = confirmed previous knowledge and 5 = improved knowledge, participants rated workshop topics: Crop Yield Response To Drainage/Tillage (2.93), Drainage Design and Installation Research (3.31), Controlled Drainage (3.68), Conservation BMPs (3.56) and Water Quality Concerns – DRP (3.82).  After the workshop, participants (percentage) planned to (1) continue current farming practices because they match BMPs (39%), (2) change one or more current farming practices (39%), (3) adopt a new idea/practice learned at the workshop (27%), (4) recommend changes of one or more farm practices to customers (15%), and (5) recommend adopting a new farm practice to customers (18%).  The workshop reached farmers operating 29,695 acres.  Participants reported 4.4% of the total acres have controlled drainage while 25% of the total acres with subsurface drainage could adopt controlled drainage.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: W.B. Clevenger, G.A. LaBarge, A.P. Sundermeier, L.C. Brown
  1. Clevenger, W. Assistant Professor and Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43512
  2. LaBarge, G. Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43512
  3. Sundermeier, A. Associate Professor and Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43402
  4. Brown, L. Professor and Extension Specialist, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43210