The Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (BYGL)
Search for Excellence in Consumer or Commercial Horticulture
Amy Stone
Extension Educator
Ohio State University
Team Members:
Chanon, A*1, Stone, A*2, Young, C*3, Jagger, C*4, Schecklehoff, B5, Kulhanek, A*6, deHaas, T*7, Hand, F8, Bennett, P*9, Boggs, J*10, Chatfied, J11, Rimelspach, J12, Titchenell, M13, Schirtzinger, S*14, Draper, E*15, Rose, M16, Snyder, P*17, Shetlar, D18, Kaminski, C19, Crook, J20, Smith, K21, Pierzynski, J22, Gardner, D23, Chamberlain, K24
Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Lorian County, Elyria, Ohio, 44035
Extension Educator, Ohio State University, Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio, 43615
Extension Educator, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, VanWert County, VanWert, Ohio, 45891
Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Morrow County, Mt Gilead, Ohio, 43338
Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Putnam County, Ottawa, Ohio, 45875
Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Medina County, Medina, Ohio, 44256
Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Lake County, Painsville, Ohio, 44077
Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, Plant Pathology, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Extension Educator, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, Clark County, Springfield, Ohio, 45505
Extension Educator, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45223
Assistant Professor, Retired, The Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio, 44691
Program Specialist, The Ohio State University, Plant Pathology, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Extension Program Specialist, Wildlife, The Ohio State University, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Knox County, Mount Vernon, Ohio, 43050
Extension Educator, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University, Geauga County, Burton, Ohio, 44021
Program Director, The Ohio State University, Pesticide Education Safety Program, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Program Manager, The Ohio State University, Secrest Arboretum, Wooster, Ohio, 44691
Emeritus, The Ohio State University, Entomology, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Program Manager, The Ohio State University, Pesticide Education Safety Program, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Program Coordinator, The Ohio State University, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45223
Program Director, The Ohio State University, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Program Director, The Ohio State University, Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068
Professor, The Ohio State University, Horticulture and Crop Science, Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Publication Photographer, The Ohio State University, FAES - Marketing and Communications, Columbus, Ohio, 44691
The Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (BYGL) is a product of The Ohio State University’s Buckeye Environmental Horticulture Team (BEHT), formally the Extension Nursery Landscape and Turf Team. The BYGL provides timely and seasonally-appropriate information on plants, insects, diseases, wildlife, and cultural problems to assist our internal and external clientele in their horticulture management practices. Additionally, the BYGL promotes and shares information about upcoming programs and conferences related to horticulture.
Since March 16, 2018, 684 BYGL Alerts have been written by 32 contributing authors and have included over 1,000 images posted as part of the Alerts.
The BYGL begins with a weekly in-service opportunity for Extension professionals. Extension professionals share their own landscape and garden observations, both verbally and with supplemental photos, and request feedback if needed from other participants. During this one-to-three-hour weekly session, Extension professionals learn about current horticulture challenges in real-time and have in depth conversations with a team of experts including county-based educators and staff, and state specialists.
BYGL Alerts are written and posted on the BYGL website ( and usually include a photo or series of photographs to enhance the alert and increase the information being shared with readers. Email messages are distributed to subscribers when a new alert is posted. Subscribers can also request a weekly summary of the alerts be sent on each Monday. Currently, we have 2025 individuals signed up for the Alerts and 4793 individuals are signed up for the weekly newsletter, or the summary of Alerts during a weeklong period from Monday – Sunday.
The BYGL has evolved over time. In the beginning, 30 years ago, the intention of the BYGL was to serve Extension Professionals and Ohio Master Gardener Volunteers; however, because of its value, the audience has grown to include green industry professionals (i.e., municipal employees, arborists, those in the landscape industry, nursery growers, and garden centers employees) as well as backyard gardeners in addition to the original audience.
Years of CES Service: 0