View Award Application

“Development, Implementation and Dissemination of Precision Agriculture Technologies On-farm to Support Field Crop Producers in Louisiana.”

Search for Excellence in Crop Production

Ralph Frazier
ANR Agent
LSU AgCenter

Team Members: Burns, D1, Flanagan, J2, Price, R3, Frazier, J*4
  1. Agronomy Agent, LSU AgCenter, Saint Joseph, Louisiana,
  2. Agronomy Agent, LSU AgCenter, , Louisiana,
  3. Associate Professor, LSU AgCenter, Alexandria, Louisiana, 71302
  4. Count Agent, LSU, Oak Grove, Louisiana, 71263


This team of extension professionals has been working together for many years to support the development and dissemination of precision agriculture technologies related to field crop production and management in Louisiana.  Specifically, in the last three years, they have organized a statewide Digital Agriculture Conference.  The conferences featured current applications in precision agriculture and producers, crop consultants, and extension professionals from several states participated.  The conferences also featured an EXPO component, where various vendors showcased available precision agriculture technologies.  The group has presented at numerous field days across


Louisiana as well. In January of 2020, the group was invited to lead a round table discussion at the Cotton and Rice Conference in Memphis, TN .  Dennis Burns served as a panel member in this discussion and there were 25 producers, industry and University Specialists in attendance from across the southeast.

Years of CES Service: 0
