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SC Commercial Fruit & Vegetable Commodity Meeting Marketing Materials

Event Promotional Package

Kerrie Roach
Extension Agent, Agriculture - Horticulture
Clemson Extension

Team Members: Roach, K*1
  1. Extension Agent, Agriculture - Horticulture, Clemson Extension, Walhalla, South Carolina, 29691


The worldwide pandemic brought significant challenges to program delivery for Extension Agents across the nation in 2020. As the year moved into what was traditionally the season for local commodity meetings, Clemson Extension commercial fruit and vegetable agents made the decision to work cooperatively to bring statewide virtual meetings to the growers of South Carolina. Extension Agent, Kerrie Roach, from Oconee County took the lead using Canva to design a marketing schematic to ensure meetings were seen as a cohesive unit of the larger Clemson University Cooperative Extension system. Kerrie used Clemson Extension branding colors and logos to assist in consumer recognition. Using the basic meeting information, Kerrie created fliers for each of the 16 statewide commodity meetings held during the 2020-2021 meeting season. With the promotional materials, all registrations, links and QR codes were directed to the team blog page at in an attempt to increase visibility and traffic to the site. Each flier was then returned to the lead team member who was able to utilize it for social media posts, email blasts, and hardcopy mailings. Strategic marketing of their virtual programming quickly enabled the eight Clemson Extension fruit and vegetable agents to reach more than 700 South Carolina growers which was double the audience from the previous season. By dividing tasks and working as a team, agents also tripled the number of programs offered and were able to involve thirty-six specialists from across the United States. Most importantly, by utilizing the team blog as a hub for all registration links, QR codes, and information, grower interaction on the site increased by an average of more than 300% each month compared to the previous year. 

Years of CES Service: 0

Program Promotional Piece