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2nd Annual SC Women in Agriculture Conference

Event Promotional Package

Charlotte Maxwell
Extension Agent
Clemson Cooperative Extension

Team Members: Maxwell, C*1, Pohlman, J*2, Scott, S*3, Coleman, K4, Baillie, C*5, Funkhouser, B*6, Sweatt, E7, Pressley, F8, Mikell, H*9, Steele, J*10, Starnes, A*11, Bolt, M12, Davis, B*13, Floyd, B14, Petitgout, L15
  1. Extension Agent, Clemson, Conway, South Carolina, 29526
  2. Senior Extension Agent, Clemson, McCormick, South Carolina, 29835
  3. Extension Agent, Clemson, Edgefield, South Carolina, 29824
  4. REC Director, Clemson, Columbia, South Carolina, 29229
  5. Extension Agent, Clemson, Conway, South Carolina, 29526
  6. Extension Agent, Clemson, Darlington, South Carolina, 29532
  7. Extension Agent, Clemson, Darlington, South Carolina, 29532
  8. Extension Agent, Clemson, Florence, South Carolina, 29505
  9. Extension Agent, Clemson, Manning, South Carolina, 29102
  10. Extension Agent, Clemson, Orangeburg, South Carolina, 29115
  11. Extension Agent, Clemson, Chesterfield, South Carolina, 29709
  12. T. Ed Garrison Arena Director, Clemson, Pendleton, South Carolina, 29670
  13. Extension Agent, Clemson, Bamberg, South Carolina, 29003
  14. Extension Agent, Clemson, Conway, South Carolina, 29526
  15. Associate Agriculture Education Director, Clemson, Lowrys, South Carolina, 29706


The SC Women’s Agricultural Network (SC WAgN) Committee of Extension Agents and personnel was assembled in 2020 to revive and refocus women in agriculture programming across the state. One event that the Committee has introduced is the Annual SC Women in Agriculture Conference. The goals of the Conference are to create a space for individuals to cultivate relationships; to provide opportunities for participants to connect with leaders in the agriculture community of South Carolina and to educate participants on a variety of agricultural topics. The first conference in 2022 was a success, but November conflicted with many other events. The 2nd Annual SC Women in Agriculture Conference was held January 19 and 20, 2024 in Florence, SC. In preparation for the Conference and to advertise the new time of year, Committee member Jaime Pohlman designed a postcard to be dispersed throughout the state at events and in high traffic county offices. 500 postcards were printed and handed out. The postcards had a QR code that the potential participants could scan to receive up to date conference information from our website. Jaime also created a graphic to introduce the conference speakers on the SC Annie’s Project Facebook and SC WAgN Instagram. Committee member Charley Maxwell posted these and other Committee members shared the posts to boost the reach. The total social media reach for the Conference speaker posts was 11,673. Charley also sent out a Conference registration push to the 920 SC WAgN newsletter subscribers. The same registration link was provided through all event promotion materials and was clicked 444 times. Participation in the Conference more than doubled from the first year with 110 in attendance. 92% of the participants indicated that they would attend again in the future and 100% increased knowledge in each of the 15 breakout sessions that were offered. The promotional pieces were successful in increasing Conference participation, which resulted in participants cultivating connections and knowledge to better their farms and land.

Program Promotional Piece