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Artichoke Variety and Nutrient Trials for Florida Production

Agronomy & Pest Management

Evelyn Fletcher
Commercial Agriculture Agent
UF/IFAS St. Johns County Extension
St. Augustine


The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a large thistle crop of the Asteraceae family, native to the Mediterranean. The harvested and edible component being an immature flower bud, born as several shoots and stems througout the plants annual (or in some regions, perennial) life cycle. With production dominated by California, Florida can provide a new commodity for southeastern growers that is fresher while reducing our carbon footprint. Globe artichokes have not been a traditional crop in the state of Florida, even as a garden variety. This study demonstrates the need to focus on varieties for the subtropics. We evaluated the best performing artichoke variety in addition to the retail favorite by curb appeal. Within a farmer's market survey, more than 80% of shoppers voted for 'Green Queen' amongst five other varieties (Imperial Star, Green Globe Improved, etc.). It also represented the highest yielding, at 12,707 lbs/acre, followed by 'Imperial Star' at 11,484 lbs/acre. An artichoke was valued at $4 each globe, while the flower was $5 per stem during the Mother's Day market. The demand continues from chefs and newly transplanted retail shoppers. In addition to variety assessments, we compared the yield of controlled-release fertilizers with fertigation. The goal being to provide nutrient recommendations for numerous production systems, and varieties preferred by local retail market shoppers. 

Authors: Evelyn Fletcher, Gary England, Christian Christensen
  1. Evelyn Fletcher Commercial Agriculture Extension Agent, UF/IFAS Extension - St. Johns County, Florida, 32092
  2. Gary England Extension Agent/Director - Emeritus, UF/IFAS Hastings Agricultural Extension Center, Florida, 32145
  3. Christian Christensen Director - Hastings Agricultural Extension Center, UF/IFAS Hastings Agricultural Extension Center, Florida, 32145