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Utah 4-H Horse Ambassadors: True Youth Adult Partnerships

4-H and Youth Programming

Jessie Hadfield
Utah State University


Based on survey results in 2018, one of the biggest holes in Utah 4-H’s horse programs was the lack of youth leadership and involvement. To address this concern, the Utah 4-H State Horse Ambassador program was developed. This initiative involves selecting a team of high school aged youth state-wide, providing them training and resources, and facilitating genuine youth-adult partnerships to promote the horse program. Over the past six years, this program has achieved remarkable success and has impacted 4-H programs throughout the Nation. Our innovative training approaches effectively equip youth to assume leadership roles within the horse program and develop crucial professional skills beneficial beyond graduation. Utah 4-H State Horse Ambassadors have seen many accomplishments including creating resources that have helped youth feel more prepared for the State Horse Show Knowledge test and increasing youth participation in the Utah 4-H State Horse Rules Meeting by 600% since 2020. They have received recognition and gained a national presence and have been invited to teach workshops at the American Youth Horse Council Symposium in 2022 and 2024. This program is easily adapted to other project areas and could be used to increase youth engagement and leadership skills in any 4-H program.

Authors: Jessie Hadfield
  1. Jessie Hadfield Extension Associate Professor Professional Practice, Utah State University Extension, Utah, 84648