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Natural Resources/Aquaculture

Pat Rector-Woods
County Environmental Resource Mgmt Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension


Water Chestnut is a highly aggressive aquatic invasive species that has only recently been found in New Jersey. Prior to infestations in the past few years NJ had remained relatively water chestnut free, despite infestation in neighboring states. Recognizing this threat the Water Chestnut Task Force (WCTF) was formed assembling experts on a statewide basis, highlighting this species and the havoc it can wreak on an ecosystem, with a focus on the development and dissemination of educational resources and the tracking of water chestnut statewide. \r\n\r\n\r\nThis presentation highlights the efforts that have been undertaken and the outcomes of these efforts. Two Fact Sheets have been developed; an on-line reporting form; and a speaker’s bureau; a downloadable presentation (provided to >50,000 people) and a link to GIS coverage tracking water chestnut statewide. A research project is investigating the viability of water chestnut seeds after freezing. As a result of the education, a volunteer canoe survey of a large lake led to the discovery of a small patch of water chestnut which was completely removed, protecting the estimated $1.3 Million annual recreational value of the State’s largest lake. Authors: Rector, P.
  1. Rector, P. County Environmental Resource Mgmt Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, New Jersey, 07963