View Poster Application


Applied Research

Andrew Bolton
Little Rock


This applied research trial set forth to demonstrate the feasibility of, and establish water usage, using the border irrigation and furrow irrigation methods in rice. These methods require a field that does not possess a cross slope. The border field was divided by small levees/borders every 60-80ft. These borders are not required to be as substantial as in traditional fields but provide just enough height to direct water down the field. The furrow rice was planted on 30-inch beds with furrows running the length of the field. Water is then flushed across the fields to ensure adequate irrigation and not put into a traditional flood. Before irrigation was initiated, a flow meter was attached to the well used for each field.  An Agsense moisture reader was also installed in each field with probes at 4in, 6in, 12in, and 18in. Each week the change on the flow meters were recorded and the Agsense moisture sensors were consulted.  This data was used to determine when to initiate irrigation.  After irrigation was terminated the water usage of these fields were calculated in acre/in of water.  The border field used 19.5 acre/in of water while the furrow field used 20.6 acre/in of water.  These fields used between $52 and $58 less water per acre compared to the state average.  This resulted in savings of over $2,000 across each field.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Andrew Bolton
  1. Bolton, A. Extension Agent - Agriculture , University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72204