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Pasture Evaluation in Dairy Farms in the Northern Area of Puerto Rico as a Tool to Educate Producers

Extension Education

Suzika Pagán Riestra
Agricultural Extension Agent
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Sabana Hoyos


Although in Puerto Rico most dairies have a grazing/supplementation system, feedstuff costs are forcing to increase or improve the grazing system as an alternative to reduce milks cost production. The local Cooperative of Milk Producers, USDA- Natural Conservation Service, and University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Agricultural Extension Service are collaborating to educate and provide technical assistance to improve grazing systems. The objective of the partnership is to educate, promote and improve grazing systems as a sustainability strategy. Efforts in the last 2 years involved two main activities: (1) educational field days, and (2) evaluation of pasture condition score in dairies. Field days related to grazing systems were planned in 3 regions to educate about benefits of grazing, and management practices as well observing recommended practices in those farms. The USDA NRCS Pasture Condition Score (PCS) is the tool used to identify grazing practices that need improvements, while serving as a benchmark for this effort. For the PCS, producers indicated the paddock with most recovery days (1-30 days) and Extension Agents followed the procedure indicated by the USDA-NRCS Pasture Condition Score Guide. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data. Although data is still being collected, preliminary results indicate that 59.5% of the paddocks had between 61 to 80% of desirable plants; 70.3% of them had live canopy of 66 to 85%, 70% had an adequate or rapid recovery; 40.5% presented some overgrazing; 94.5% had at least 41% of soil cover; 41% of them had soil compaction; and 67.5% had few or no signs of erosion. These results imply that dairy producers can make changes to their actual grazing system, since it’s probable the net return of investment, and it will improve production and the environment. In addition, more educational activities will be needed to help dairy producers adopt recommended practices.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Suzika Pagán Riestra, Enrique Martínez Loarte, Yomar Vélez Robles, José Marrero Olmeda
  1. Pagán Riestra, S. Agricultural Agent, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 00627
  2. Martínez Loarte, E. Agricultural Agent, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 00659
  3. Vélez Robles, Y. Agricultural Agent, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 00669
  4. Marrero Olmeda, J. Agricultural Agent, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 00687