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Extension Education

Matt Herring


\r\n The Missouri Master Naturalist program is an adult community based natural resource education and volunteer service program cooperatively developed by University of Missouri Extension and the Missouri Department of Conservation.  A program was initiated in Franklin County, Missouri in 2009 with 40 participants completing the approximately 60 hours of training over a three month period.  Upon completing training the participants formed the Miramiguoa Master Naturalist chapter and began volunteering first using “capstone” projects and then through a variety of volunteer opportunities.  To become certified volunteers must also complete eight hours of advanced training and 40 hours of volunteer service.  Each year they must complete eight hours of advanced training and 40 hours of volunteer service to maintain their certification.  Training was also held in 2010 in a joint arrangement with two other counties.  Fourteen graduates from the 2010 program joined the Miramiguoa chapter.  Miramiguoa Master Naturalist volunteers use the science based education they gained to provide over 3300 hours of volunteer service to natural resource organizations in 2010. 


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M.D. Herring
  1. Herring, M. Agronomy/Natural Resources Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 63084