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Quantifying Impact of Soil Management on Moisture and Temperature

Applied Research

Amanda Douridas
Extension Educator
OSU, Madison County


Focus groups with farmers indicated concern over cover crops keeping soil temperature and moisture from reaching ideal planting conditions as early as conventional tillage. This perception has inhibited adoption of cover crops due to delayed planting fears. To quantify this concern, METER TEROS 11 sensors paired with the ZL6 data logger were placed in fields under three management conditions: conventional tillage, no-till, and no-till with a cover crop. These sensors monitored soil moisture and temperature every hour throughout the spring and into the growing season at depths of 3 inches and 6 inches. This two-year study found, on average, soil temperature was largely the same through planting with tilled fields running 1-2°F warmer through the rest of the season. Soil moisture varied by treatment, location and year. When averaged by month for both years, no-till and cover crops soils were 1-2% wetter in April. In May, the cover crop field peaked as the highest moisture at 34%, followed by no-till at 32.5% and tilled at 31.3%. Looking at the data by individual year and/or location showed variances in these trends. These differences did not impact planting dates revealing each management style can be managed to meet desired planting goals for a farm. Funding for this work was provided by SARE North Central Region Research and Education Grant. Thank you to our farm partners for your participation in this effort.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Amanda Douridas, Elizabeth Hawkins
  1. Douridas, A. Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43140
  2. Hawkins, E. Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems, T, Ohio, 45177