Applied Research
Edwin Lentz
Extension Educator and Professor
The Ohio State University Extension
Producers rely on university research to apply the proper rate of nitrogen for optimal wheat yields and to reduce the risk of nutrient loss into the environment. Few nitrogen rate studies have been completed in recent years in the Eastern Corn Belt. The objective of this study was to determine the nitrogen rate for optimal yields for soft red winter wheat. AGI 217B, a medium-maturity variety, was established in the fall of 2019 on the OARDC Northwest Agricultural Research Station near Custar, Ohio. Seven nitrogen rate treatments were applied as urea-ammonium nitrate between greenup and early stem elongation (Feekes Growth Stage 6). Rates included in the study were 0, 40, 70, 90, 110, 130, and 150 pounds per acre. All treatments received 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre prior to planting. Experimental design was a completely randomized block replicated four times. Analysis was a simple ANOVA. Grain yield, test weight, and spike number were measured for each plot. Yields were 31.1, 45.7, 73.9, 84.3, 90.2, 88.2, and 86.9 bushels per acre for the 0, 40, 70, 90, 110, 130 and 150 nitrogen rates, respectively. The trend was for grain yield to significantly increase with larger nitrogen rates until the 90 pound per acre rate, p<0.01. Yields were similar for treatments larger than the 90-pound treatment. Thus, for this study, an optimal spring nitrogen rate occurred at the 90 pounds per acre nitrogen rate.
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Authors: E. M. Lentz
Lentz, E. Extension Educator and Professor, The Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45840