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Extension Education

Steven Gaul


\r\n     In a recent survey, over fifty percent of producers preferred an on-farm experience for obtaining technical information.   The traditional extension workshop provides information but not necessarily the interaction that is required to build productive working relationships. The Northeast Florida Small Farms Working Group was formed in 2008 with a group of Extension Agents and Small Farmers to establish a forum where farmers and extension agents could exchange information about alternative enterprises and marketing strategies.  The group serves as a catalyst to supply practical, applied, hands-on methods in agricultural production, marketing, processing, regulatory issue updates and other priority items. Programs on Integrated Pest Management, Organic Production, Drip Irrigation, Nutrient Management, Transplant Production, Diversified Production Strategies, Pastured Poultry, Direct Marketing, Protected Culture, Soilless Culture, Agritourism and Shadehouse Production have been conducted in Union, Bradford, Baker, Columbia, St. Johns, Nassau and Hamilton Counties with a combined attendance of over 300. As a result of attendance at these programs, many attendees have adopted at least one new enterprise on their farm.  Of the new farmer attendees, several have decided to begin a farming operation.   Extension meeting popularity is dependent on farmer advisory and attendance gradually increased over the course of the year.  Contacts between county extension agents and attendees have increased significantly as a result of this new extension program.    Information about the small farms working group is posted at and has been accessed over one thousand times in the past three years.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: S. Gaul, B. Hochmuth, L. Landrum, J. Breman, B. Burbaugh, J. DeValerio, D. Nistler, E. Toro, M. Sweat
  1. Gaul, S. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32011
  2. Hochmuth, B. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32060
  3. Landrum, L. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32060
  4. Breman, J. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32092
  5. Burbaugh, B. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32254
  6. DeValerio, J. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32091
  7. Nistler, D. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32043
  8. Toro, E. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32064
  9. Sweat, M. Extension Agent, University of Florida / IFAS, Florida, 32254